Blossom-Thyme Dairy Goats
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Herd Sires

GCH *B Wingwood Farm Lovin Astaire  "Elite"
DOB:  3/25/2019
ETA 23-86
Tested G6s Normal
LA:  4-00 91 EEE

Photo credit to Syndicate member Dan Greene
Sire:  SGCH +*B Wingwood Farm Lucky Amadeus
            N1691344  "DNA"  LA: 5-01 89(VVE)
    SS:  SG ++B Woest-Hoeve Royal Fortune
             "DNA" LA: 2-04 88(VEE)
    SD:  SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim Aminance *M
              LA: 6-05 91(VEVE)

Dam: SGCH Wingwood Farm Sweet Avina 3*M
             N1872726 "DNA" "Elite: 99%"
             PTA: 424M, 16.8F, 14.0P
             LA: 2-01 92EEEE
             1st pl 2yr old 2019 ADGA Natls
    DS:  SG +*B My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman
             "DNA" "Elite"
    DD: SG Wingwood Farm TL Aviva 2*M
             "Elite 99%"

Show Wins
2022 - 2x CH, 2x BOB
2021 - 1x GCH & 2x Res GCH at his 1st Show Ring Debut as a 2 yr old



GCH Wingwood Farm Sweet Avina 3*M
"Elite: 99%"
PTA: 424M, 16.8F, 14.0P
LA: 2-01 92EEEE
1st pl 2yr old 2019 ADGA Natls
(Photos Courtesy of  Wingwood Farm)

Littermate Sister

GCH (pending) Wingwood Lovin Avignon
LA 4-05 92EEEE
(Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm)

Sire's Dam

SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim Aminance *M
LA: 6-05 91(VEVE)
(Photo Courtesy of  Wingwood Farm)

Dam's Dam

SG Wingwood Farm TL Aviva 2*M
"Elite 99%"
(Photos Courtesy of  Wingwood Farm)

For More Information
Click here for the Dam's Page

(Courtesy of  Wingwood Farm)

For More Information
Click here for the Sire's Page

(Courtesy of  Wingwood Farm)

~ Proudly Owned by the Astaire Syndicate ~

(photos courtesy of Melanie Ferguson)

*B Wingwood Farm Lovin Astaire
2019 ADGA Spotlight Sale Buckling
Strutin' His Stuff...!
